Toyota Innova Accessories: Session 3, Muffler End Pipe & Mud Guard
This is my 3rd trip to my favorite Toyota Innova Accessories supplier... (Session II Here.)
Originally, I was to buy a floor mat. One that I could roll-in if not in use and roll-out in case I'll load heavy, dirty, somewhat wet stuff inside the van.
But again, some of the basic Toyota Innova accessories are priced low, one would be really tempted to spice-up his/her ride. Isa na ko dun.
So after window shopping, after trying out a custom fit big mat, after testing speakers, after checking my future Innova spoiler, and canvassing for backing sensor, checking fake plate numbers, etc... I finally had mud guards and an end pipe for the muffler installed.
The mud guards come in black and in silver. I picked the silver of course. Price is P1100 then a little haggling and I got it @ P900.00. I really dunno if the mud guards look good but what I know is, the guards prevent tiny little asphalts from sticking onto the body. That's why I have the mud guards on. Anyway, if the users choose so, the mud guards are easily dettacheable.
I frequent SLEX and with that project beng built at a turtle speed, that highway should contain 75% of the worlds asphalt.

Second one is (I don't even know what it's called), the end pipe for mufflers. Orig price as the lady told me is P650.00. I asked for it to be P600 so that, I'll pay P1500 for the mud guards and this tail pipe, and she's ok with it.

And, I went there to by a floor mat, kaya bago ko malimutan, nakabili nga pala ako ng mat. P400 per yard. 6 feet wide.

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