Leoque Collection, Philippine Made Furnitures

Today, Feb 14 2009 (It’s Valentines Day! What a day to launch!), marks the day we finally settled into our new home. Our online home that is.
Cause I'm part of this project, the site name somewhat bears my name or more closely, our fathers' name... l e o q u e
Leoque Collection home is here. And more info about this project here.
What we settled on is a clean, neat and white design so as not to take the attention away from what is supposed to be on showcase… The Leoque collection of furniture, accents & accessories and other stuff that should feel, err, fill your home.
Just a little guide and background on our website: (This will also serve as our documentation/history of our online existence.)
- A gallery of 3 random photos of our product line is put upfront and up top. Gallery includes, a “random product,” the “best sellers” and lastly, the “accents & accessories. This gallery is sort of three (3) window of what we have.
- We inserted just a couple of ads. Some of which are good resources of information about interior design, furniture, design, etc. (and by the way, those are paid ads)
- Our main navigation consists of the self explanatory pages such as “home,” “products,” “about,” and “contact.” We’ve put up the “customize” page for those who have their own design and want to request for pricing.
- Our site not only acts us our showroom but also as a “share-room.” We will be posting articles, tips, news links, and whatnot about home, styles, condo living, interior design, furniture industry. Check out the BLOG category time to time.
- Our sidebars (right, and far right) contain essential info & links about Leoque Collection.
- Because some of the pages could possibly stretch a thousand miles, a handy main navigation link is provided at the footer to easily get back to frontpage, products page, etc.
- Just some notes below each page saying that… (a) the business and the site is co-owned by PYKOS Incorporated; (b) it is hosted by WebMen - our cute little web hosting gig; (c) this site is powered by the FREE and wonderful publishing app Wordpress and (d) our theme design is from Alibi Productions.
Over the next few days, we will be filling up the site with over hundred different items we have on stock .
You’ve heard this before but we’ll say anyway… Welcome To Our Home!
And by the way, Happy Valentines!Labels: business, leoque, web development, websites
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