Globe Bradband, Tattoo

I got myself this globe mobile broadband internet package, the globe tattoo. The artist formerly known as globe visibility prepaid.
This is a just rebranding and the guys there at Globe just licked the USB Huawei dongle and put on this funky tattoo sticker. Just a marketing trick. No upgrade whatever. If any, that sticker could only just hinder better reception. And that sticker altogether keeps you from not seeing the LEDs indicator. I removed that useless sticker.
I got the prepaid version precisely to have the option to throw this piece in case it gives me NO internet feed/signal in places I frequent. If you're interested in getting the Globe postpaid broadband, I suggest you borrow a stick first and try it before getting a postpaid account with a troublesome lock-out period of 2 years.
The Tattoo globe prepiad costs P1895, but no lock-out period and easy to load. Simple load trasnfer phone is phone and you're done. Also has SIM included (you can send & receive text via PC.)
Anyways, I've read 1245 reviews of Globe mobile and 1240 of em are negative reviews so I a not expecting lot out of this. I just use this as back up net connection coz I don;t like to use my phone as my internet backup.
Ok Ill rate this now. I'll compare this Globe Tattoo with my pee. For some reasons, it's fairly strong only in the mornings and intermittent during the day.
So they better put that "intermittent" word on their product statement...
Globe Tattoo, This Is My Internet...
Globe Tattoo, This Is My (Intermittent) Internet
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