Buy and Sell in the Philippines thru

Buy and Sell in the Philippines thru
Been BZ past days... as in BZ!... as in B!Z... as in Blozoom! Busy.
I have been selling online way back then & been creating sites using opensource software. Then, one morning while peeing, I said, lemme make a buy and sell site for our own usage, fun and testing. We use only few online selling sites(,, and, so we created another one albeit lesser features than others. But still, this one is full feature classifieds sites waiting to take your items for sale, unwanted stuff, etc.
Sell you house, sell your camera, sell you car... Check out Philippines Buy and Sell site... Cool buying and selling... Post for free... Fast way of contating the buyer and seller... Yes, free posting of ads... online selling in the Philippines, fast... ladies and gentlemen, another free Philippines clasiffieds site... it's simple to use and did I mention FREE...
BLOZOOM.COM - Buy Sell Fast - Buy and Sell Philippines
The to-do list for is long and we will be fine tuning the site in the coming days. We marked Feb 14 2008 as the actual birthdate of If we can find some freebies to give that day (ah yes, Feb 14 is Valentines day), we'll be happy to share some stuff!!! Hey, we got no Sogo Hotel or Wise Hotel gift check. (On other note, hard copy Buy and Sell Philippines Newsprint gives, Sogo Hotel discounts.)
Head over at and be one of the early birds. BLOZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!
Labels: blozoom, buy and sell, projects
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