
This Blogger is an Outlaw

I drove by the SLEX on to South Super Hiway earlier this a.m. My plate is ending in 4. Today Tuesday is color coding but I used my car anyway. I have things to accomplish today so I dared them. Catch me if you can!

Along the stretch of L.I.I.P toll exit up to Alabang Exit, I was using the emergency shoulder lane, speeding at 120KPH. Just like I said, I have things to do and I need to be at Makati at around 9:30am. I evaded the SLEX highway patrol 2 times. The 2nd time, the patrol was flagging me to stop. When I saw them flagging me, I quickly returned to the left fast lane and hid at the side of a ten wheeler and said to the patrol, Bye FANS!!!!

Later, under Magallanes Fly, this time, Makati Cops were waiting to fish for color coding violators (ahem ahem). Good thing, handful of delivery vans were apprehended. Traffic cops already have too much on their plates, they can't get every violator. I would like to thank those van drivers for saving my ass. Saving me P500 too.

Sometimes it feels good to get back at them, see this posts:


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