Seven Pounds Is A Heavyweight

Watched Seven Pounds last night and a note of "FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION" continuously popped out ("advanced" clear copy kasi). The copy I guess is for screening purposes.
Ok, "Seven Pounds" has been considered.
And I like it.
A quick note... if you intend to watch this film, better not to to google the film and get the story. You should be clueless about the story line for better viewing.
The last Will Smith flicks are all good, "Hancock", "I Am Legend" and the one where he played as the matchmaker or love guru, "Hitch." And this Seven Pounds film tops all his recent films. IMHO. The story is awfully morbid and little hard to accept. Even if your drill sergeant or a cold blodeded assasin, you'll choke, tear up and crack with some of the emotions of the characters and some scenes.
This is part drama part love story and with some witty comedies/lines here and
Some don't like (the critique, the "experts" and the conservatives) , well, we do. It is recommended. But I rather leave out the story in this post.
But if you're persistent to find what "Ben Thomas" (Will SMith) is up to, check the Seven Pounds entry over at Wikipedia. There, you get to know why the hell, it's titled Seven Pounds.
This is the closest I get t be as an spoiler...
Top 7 scenes from the movie Seven Pounds:
1. Ben phone call to Ezra (the blind man)
2. Ben presented Emily the fixed printing machine.
3. The love scene.
4. The "Crash" Dont text and drive poeple!
5. The bath tub "killer" scene
6. The "fields" date
7. The 7PM dinner
Labels: movies, reviews, seven, will smith
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