
Too Many Too Mention/Ignore

I remember when I was young (elementary and highschool), we get to sign-in or fill up a SLUM BOOK. Giving off your favorites, like TV shows, Personalities, Crush, Etc. (Much like how you do it in Friendster.) This is fun stuff.

Only the popular ones get to sign these books a lot. As for the ordinary ones (like me), we sign this once in a while. But when your are signing too many (usually happens in the first days/weeks of the school year), you tend to write these words to get it over with... TOO MANY TO MENTION.

Like... Who's you favorite actor? - Rather than saying Christopher De Leon, you would say, yes, TOO MANY TO MENTION.

What is your favorite TV show? - Rather than writing Knight Rider or BayWatch, you would write... TOO MANY TO MENTION.

Get it?

[A side note to those who are still actively pursuing this Slum Book thing. If the signee (meaning, your friend, an acquaintance, a crush, a guy/gal) sort of loads up his/her entry with the dreaded TMTM, back off a little, he/she is not interested.]

Along this context...

I will now sign off my NBA Finals FINAL SLAM BOOK entry and these words I'll use... TOO MANY TOO IGNORE. The referees, in my mind, cost the Dallas Mavericks, the championships. Thereby costing me some pesos too.


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